He Is Risen! A phrase full of significant purpose and meaning. Today, I am here to share the story of He Is Risen, and the craft themed after this wonderful Easter story.
At Green Valley, one of our all-time favorite crafts is He Is Risen. This craft has been a part of Green Valley for many years. It is themed after the Easter Story and the Resurrection of Jesus.
The Easter Story
The Easter Story is a story about love. God sent his one and only son, named Jesus, to give up his life through death on a cross to pay the penalty of sin. The Bible teaches that God did this because of his unfathomable love for all of humankind (John 3:16). When Jesus died on the cross, he was laid in a tomb for 3 days. On the third day, God performed a miracle and raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus conquered death and paid the penalty for our sin, giving us the gift of an eternal life spent in heaven. The gift of eternal life is ready and waiting for anyone who believes, through faith, in what Jesus did for them.
The purpose of our Easter holiday is to remember what Jesus did for us. It is a day of remembrance and giving praise to God for His endless love and sacrifice. His love for us did not stop at the tomb. It is everlasting, and so is His gift of Salvation.
He Is Risen Craft
Our He Is Risen craft paints a picture of the Resurrection story. It represents the cross that brought death and the tomb where the miracle of Jesus' resurrected life took place. The stone represents the one that covered the tomb's entrance but was miraculously rolled out of place when God brought Jesus back to life. As a picture of new life, we plant wheatgrass in the soil covering the tomb, which grows tall from seed. Our He Is Risen Craft makes a beautiful centerpiece for your Easter table. If you make this craft on your own, be sure to plant the wheatgrass about 2 weeks before Easter so it is ready in time.
He Is Risen at Green Valley
Join us here at Green Valley to make this meaningful craft, all materials provided for just $16.99! Visit our Garden Center between10am-4pm, March18th - March 23rd. Pre-registration is required through our events page: https://www.gvgh.com/events
Happy Crafting!